INCLUDATE activities will be focused on transnational meetings, products, training and dissemination events. Partners will take an active role and responsibility in the project’s implementation according to their capacities. Equal opportunities, access, inclusion, and diversity are facilitated through support with adequate inclusion measures to allow the engagement of participants with migrant backgrounds and socioeconomic deprivation. A language facilitator will be supporting the participants from the two migrant associations in all training and meeting activities. Allowing access to non-native and non-English speakers to an accessible language version of the project results and key project management document will be translated into all staff languages as well as  published and disseminated eventually. The local actions, European exchanges and the developed curriculum of INCLUDATE contribute to the strengthening of municipal and migrant community actors in responding to the diversity of their needs linked to migrant inclusion.
The European Commission has been adapting its immigration policies and priorities to the different levels and segments of European societies by expressing the need for an integrated approach to inclusion, and the active involvement of migrants and citizens with migrant backgrounds in policymaking and integrative actions. For example, the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (2020), and the Action Plan on integration and inclusion for 2021-2024 highlight:

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum (2020), and the Action Plan on integration and inclusion for 2021-2024
highlight the need for policymaking and integrative actions in the following fields:
  • reconsidering the diversity of migrant groups by extending the target group to “migrants and citizens with immigrant backgrounds”, and by expressing their strong added value to local societies;
  • identifying 4 fields of intervention for integration policies (education, housing, services and employment);
  • adapting policies in the light of the most recent challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemia and its direct effects on the target groups;
  • to acknowledge the diversity of the localities. Migrant inclusion policies need to become a priority of local policies. In the face of the increasing diversity of European societies, the European Commission, transnational, national and local actors throughout Europe have formulated the need for an inclusive approach. It actively involves migrants and citizens with migrant backgrounds in policy-making and integrative actions.